
MLM Leads - Is Doing What it Takes Working for You

If you are a network marketer, the greater part of your time is focused on generating MLM leads to keep your pipeline of prospects full. Let me ask you, do any of these sound familiar? * "The first thing you need to do is grab a pen and paper." *"Fill your calendar with propsect calls." * "The pen and paper are your new best friend." * "It's a numbers game. The more you prospect, the more you sponsor."The list could go on forever. I am sure the motivators in your MLM business (you know, the most thriving people who speak at the company events to get you excited about going back into the trenches to produce more of your MLM leads) have asked you this question: "Are you eager to do what it takes to keep your pipeline of MLM leads chock-full?". If you have been a network marketer for at least 6 months, then your answer is probably a definite "Yes!"It might go something like this: "Yes, I put together my warm list of 200 names. Despite my inawkardness, I have diligently phoned every person on my list. Yes, I have asked my friends and colleagues to host parties in their homes. Yes, I have distributed thousands of fliers, given away tons of CDs and shared the business with every person that comes within 3 feet of me. Yes, I have invested time and money in my business."My response to you is, wow! You clearly have perseverance. In fact, you are exactly the type of person I look for to add to my team.Why are you still struggling?I have an answer and it's actually quite simple. Before I give you my answer, I want you to ask yourself a very led light bulbs important question: does it feel genuine and authentic for you to follow their system?My answer to "why are you still struggling?" is doing "what it takes" to keep your MLM leads pipeline full is incongruent with who you are. In other words, the system your upline has you follow does not line up with your personality. Please don't mistake me. There is nothing wrong with their strategies of keeping a pipeline of MLM leads full. It has worked incredibly well for some people. But it doesn't work for others and if you are reading this, you probably fall into the latter group.If it's not working for you, I have great news. There is a great alternative to consistently generate enough MLM leads to impress even the most successful network marketers, and it doesn't require you to be someone that you are not. The alternative is called the internet.In my mind, the internet is the greatest thing since sliced bread for MLM distributors because it opens the door to a world of opportunity for every personality type. The irony of using the internet to generate a bountiful pipeline of free, targeted MLM leads is that it has a reputation for being cold and impersonal, when in fact it is Iphone 4s Dust proof Plug the internet that allows you to form solid relationships and sell your products and business opportunity to prospects in the most legitimate and authentic way.My line of attack for my team is to get them to accept who they are, focus on their strengths, to find their personal sweet spots, and recognize what gifts they have to share with the world. Then, we use a straightforward, step-by-step system that focuses on their talents, gifts and strengths to communicate with prospects, but uses the internet to distribute. The result is that we have a consistently full pipeline of MLM leads AND we generate additional income too, that covers all of our marketing costs, and then some. Here's the better news, our leads are free, highly targeted, qualified and we have not had to follow a system that results in being somebody we are not.Using the internet to generate MLM leads is, unequivocally, the most successful and authentic strategy available. It may sound technical and scary, but I can tell you with conviction, it's not. If you are interested in learning more about the simple, step-by-step system we use, don't waste another second trying to be someone you are not. GO HERE NOW

