
Stop Wasting Money On Custom SEO Articles

So you’ve either paid an article service a heap of cash for a pile of custom SEO articles, or you’ve spent hours creating a whole heap of search engine optimized articles yourself - now what? What are you going to do with them?You have a number of choices, and Motorcycle Goggles the choices you make could have a huge impact on the eventual success, or otherwise, of your article marketing strategy. The trouble is that too many article marketers tend to under-use or over-use their articles, with detrimental consequences on either side. The answer is finely balanced, and it’s important to understand not only what the best tactic is for marketing your SEO articles, but why, as this allows you the opportunity to be flexible in your approach, and adapt your SEO marketing accordingly.Do you submit your article to just one major article directory, a handful of big league directories, or to many dozens, scores or possibly even hundreds of article directories? Should you publish a copy of your article on your website, or use it as a blog post? Should you publish it under your own name, and how will you use your author resource box to accurately capitalize on the purpose or objective of your article?These are all major questions which you will need to consider carefully in order to make sure that your custom SEO articles are used to the best effect. Misusing your articles is not only an enormous waste of time, or a waste of your money if you’ve paid for an article service, but it can well backfire, costing you any progress you’d made with your website’s listing on the search results pages.For example, many people worry that by publishing articles to hundreds of directories they will be penalised by Google for ‘duplicate content’. This is in spite of the fact that Google has, on many occasions, stated that it has never had any such duplication filter. Think about it, if Google banned, blacklisted or demoted websites with duplicate content, where would that put the news syndication websites? Suddenly the major news agencies and media outlets are all vying for the one listing permitted by Google for any particular news story. It simply doesn’t make sense. The truth is that Google may not use a duplication filter, but it will prioritise duplicated content so that its results pages are as varied as possible.This means that if you publish your article to twenty article directories, and then do a search for the keywords, title or a sentence from your article, you’ll probably only find one, perhaps two examples if you’re really lucky. The rest will largely be ignored by Google. But how does it decide which ones to list on the first page, and which ones to ignore? The answer is a combination of factors.The first factor Google will take into consideration is where your custom SEO articles have been posted. A higher ranking website, such as an established article directory, will almost certainly gain Google’s attention more effectively than posting your article on a brand new website that Google’s not yet come across. It stands to reason that established sites generally fair better Motor Parts than new ones. The second factor is simply this - Google will list instances of new content as its bots come across them. So if you publish an article to twenty directories, Google’s bots will probably take note of the first example they come across, after which subsequent versions will receive progressively less attention.This is an important consideration, since if you decide to post your custom SEO articles on your own website in addition to posting them on article directories you may find that this tactic works against you. Google will then see your website as containing the same information that it’s already come across, so that instead of promoting your website, it reduces it in rank compared to those websites containing the versions of your article which were discovered first. Using a good article service to create custom SEO content in addition to SEO articles will help overcome any such risk.

